Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Ishmael 4

In this reading Ishmael's student talkes about creation and what he believes. He says that he does not believe in the creation story that is told in the book of Genesis in the bible. Instead he tells a creation story of evolution that takes thousands of years. Ishmael also points out that both creations stories, the narrator's one and the Bible one, end with the creation of man. Ishmael says that the creation never ended because of evolution. Animals and man are still eveloving and new forms of life are being created.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Ishmael 3

The third reading was easier to follow and we learned more about Ishmael's life. Ishmael continues to explain to his listener the facts about creation and evolution. He says that creation is a myth and explains that mad, along with every other species had to evolve to become what they are today. Ishmael also says that people are still evolving jsut as other species are still eveolving. In this section we also learn how Ishmael escaped from the zoo.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Ishmael Reading 2

The reading is still a bit confusing. We learned more about Ishmael's past and how he has tried to comunicte with other people but with out sucess. There is still a lot of stuff that needs to be explained and that we will probably hear about in the next few readings.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Ishmael Reading 1

The beginging of Ishmael is a little bit confusing, but becomes easier to comprehend when you read further on. There are some themes being set up in the beginging with the start of the conversation between the man and the Gorilla, the poster on the wall, and the story about the man who told the Gorilla, "you are not Golliath." These are important instances that will probably be explored later in the book.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

First Post

Howdy! This is Dylan Thomas Perrin Block's first blog post.